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Distance Healing in the time of Corona Virus

Writer's picture: Laura ChalfantLaura Chalfant

Article by Dr. Laura Stuve

The world needs the powerful healing we can uniquely provide in the safe and effective format of distance treatments. But a lot of people - family, friends, and clients - may be having a hard time believing in this and aren't open. This doubt is understandable - we've grown up in the Western healthcare paradigm where distance healing sounds like it's from a magical realm. I'm passionate about sharing my perspectives as a PhD scientist, mind-body medicine instructor and practitioner to help open doors for all of us to share the distance healing potential of the BodyIntuitive/BodyTalk systems with everyone who needs them right here goes!

Together, we are facing a global Covid -19 pandemic that is disrupting every aspect of our lives. While we stay inside as much as possible, we still need groceries and supplies as do our animals. Some of us still need to go to work and interface with the public. No matter where or how you are hunkering down, we all need support - for our immune resilience, to manage our stress and emotional responses to the daily upheavals, and for some of us, to resolve the infection of this deadly virus itself. People need effective, safe healthcare NOW and why not brilliant treatments at a distance?

The mind-body angle In mind-body medicine, we honor the impact of our beliefs, mindsets, stresses and emotions on our physical health...mountains of research support this connection! We know from the latest science, that our immune function is the most impacted system by stress and emotional swings. Chronically stressed? Angry? Fearful? Feeling threatened by the financial and work uncertainty? Unsure what is safe to do?

  • Your immune system responds with depletion and under performance.

Feeling along and isolated in this lockdown era?

  • A sense of alienation and lack of connection has been shown to be the worst type of insult for the immune system - triggering reprogramming of the genes in the immune cells to both increase inflammation and debilitate your ability to fight off an infection.

BUT, we can talk to a counselor, a friend, a mentor and get a new perspective, shift our view, and feel a ray of optimism that becomes contagious...and this transformation trickles down to our cells! We don't need to talk in person with this supportive individual, we can connect by phone, email or watch a recorded message from them. The simple act of connection with someone by any medium shifts us into a productive stress response (as composed to a fight or flight stress response) and restores our immune function. Mindset Intervention research studies have shown this is a FAST and lasting response that occurs within 10-15 minutes of a simple reframing intervention - people's minds, emotional states and biology shift, clearing all the adversity of chronic stress including strain on the cardiovascular system and reversing the immune system debilitation.

And this is what mind-body practitioners do...simple emotional and stress releases that we can coach people to do live or remotely with equal effectiveness. And when we don't feel threatened and have a sense of support, we naturally relax, sleep better, heal and our immune cells re-engage with their jobs resolving true threats!

The stress angle How could mind-body medicine work in the first place, let alone make a difference when done at a distance? Your autonomic (think automatic functions digestion, heart rate, breathing) nervous system has two modes - a gas pedal and a brake. Like your car, you can't simultaneously drive it in both modes. You either have the gas pedal on and are in sympathetic (aka stress) mode, OR, you have the brakes on and are in relaxation (parasympathetic) mode. Science tells us that 100% of healing and rejuvenation happens in relaxation mode (so let's do the math here: 0% of healing happens when we're stressed!).

So anything that gets you to relaxation mode boosts the body's natural ability to heal - anything! If you work with the BodyIntuitive/BodyTalk systems, we use simple techniques that balance the brain and work through acupuncture points to calm mind and body. These straightforward techniques can be taught remotely so anyone can touch the points and brain areas on themselves and get the powerful relaxation reset, which jump starts healing.

We have published research data demonstrating distance treatments work! Check out the peer-reviewed published research study on distance BodyTalk treatments for chronic pain that Janet Galipo and I did in the Journal of Pain Management. We got excellent statistically significant reduction of pain intensity in long term chronic pain sufferers AND improvement in the associated emotional issues of anxiety and depression many patients face. In the discussion section, we reference other distance healing publications if you want more data!

Let's get more esoteric As practitioners, we train our focus. We observe and focus on the priorities within mind and body - liver detox, Qi flow in the Spleen meridian, anti-viral activity in Killer T cells, calming stress from a challenging relationship. Initially, it's easiest for most of us to do muscle testing and have the level of focus required to get great results with a client lying on a treatment table right in front of us. But, over time, the ability to get the intuitive information and focus on the client's priorities is beyond space and time. We are accessing a blueprint of the individual in a more optimal state of health, an alternative quantum probability for their energy systems that is in better harmony and balance. And we can access and observe that blueprint from anywhere. The observer effect in quantum physics doesn't require a proximity of observation.

Some things are just empirical Although I started out as a scientist skeptic, I now know distance healing works, because I have personally experienced it myself many times (it's awesome!), and have observed that my family, friends and clients see real changes of physical, emotional and spiritual health with distance treatments.

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©2022 by Laura Chalfant.


DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind that we are not doctors or medical professionals.  Energy Medicine and Qigong sessions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.  If you have a health concern please contact a professional for diagnosis and treatments. If you have an emergency please call 911. 

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