Whew! What a year 2020 has been. I have to say, I am looking forward to a new year coming our way with hopes of it being less chaotic and crises oriented.
I would love to hear from you and what this year 2020 has meant to you.
What are your firsts for 2020?
What are the things that you never thought of doing in you life, but now they've become part of your daily routine.
What do you most miss in your life?
How has your work/career changed?
What wins have you achieved
What has been your biggest challenge?
Your biggest transformation?
and your biggest loss?
How have you managed to cope with so much time sheltering in place?
So much time alone?
or with those that you dearly love, but never thought that they would be your only social network?
How about the dating scene? Any funny stories here? I have a few!!
and your online zoom adventures.
I want to invite you to respond to this email and share your wins and losses with me. I will then put together a little story to share with you all. Would love to hear at least one little story from you.
(If you don't want to share your story publicly, but would still like to share with me that is fine also. Just note this when you respond.)
I would like to share a few of my own wins and losses below:
I've been working mostly online these days and have been having amazing results that rival in person sessions.
Understanding that time and space don't create barriers in energy healing has helped me to create a distance system that consistently works. If you'd like to book an online distance session click here.
I'm training to build online courses to keep my business solvent in the midst of a pandemic and whatever the future throws my way.
I had no idea what was involved, but am diligently learning the tech and marketing side of business.
Although mostly I surrender it over to my fabulous assistant to deal with. For me, it is like learning a foreign language! Stay tuned!
I started a Facebook Group called "Ancient Practices for the 21st Century" where I offer some of my qigong practices and poetry that I've been writing that my artistic assistant has organized beautifully. Please join us by clicking here.
I feel a great loss of community. Zoom has been a life saver, but it doesn't make up for 3 dimensional warm human bodies that I can hug and touch.
I haven't seen my son, who lives in Toronto for nearly a year - Last Christmas was the last time we were together in person. Although our online gatherings have been precious.
I haven't traveled since October which means, I haven't seen my family for over a year. I miss them dearly.
I have been productive, but I also frequently have my own breakdowns, feeling the intense loss that has come with 2020. Grief strikes me in unpredictable ways.
The loss of the forests in the US, Australia, Brazil and Russia through wildfire. The losses through more devastating hurricanes and storms, the loss of lives and freedom through the pandemic. Not to mention the loss of sanity that's been happening through the political scene in our country.
Thanksgiving was particularly difficult as it is my favorite holiday to spend with friends and family and I ended up getting sick, so spent the day on my own having not been prepared with special holiday foods.
Gratefully, I received a gift of pumpkin pie, bean soup and cranberry sauce that filled my heart. Feeling better the next day, I was able to spend the rest of the weekend at the beach with my social pod of friends and their new momma Aussie and her pup.
Please visit my website - https://www.laurachalfant.com
My facebook group page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/energyfreedomcircle. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurachalfant_energyfreedom/.
To book an appointment click here. https://www.laurachalfant.com/ or email at laura@laurachalfant.com.
Read below to hear what clients are saying about distance sessions.
"I cannot say enough about the complete way Laura approaches clients experiencing all kinds of challenges to health and well being. Even during the last 6 months when it is difficult to get together physically, Laura's healing work transcends space as her intuitive abilities come to the foreground. It is almost uncanny the way Laura zeroes in on key issues and offers effective therapy, though it is not surprising given her solid foundation and extensive background in healing work. Sessions with her leave me feeling lighter and full of hope." ~ Dr. Christina J
Below is my Thanksgiving letter.
